Hey everyone and welcome to the 30 day Revival Fitness Challenge. Below is an outline of week 1’s workouts with instructions and videos. Please make sure you read the Trainers Notes at the very bottom. They detail what is expected of you during the workouts. The workouts are designed as full-body workouts and 48 hours rest is required between workouts. A typical routine will look like this: Mon Wed Fri or Tues Thurs Sat. If you follow this along with the other instructions and workout with full intensity then 3 days a week will be all you need to start seeing results very fast.
***(Complete 15-20 reps max in your first set. Do a total of 50 reps for each exercise. 45 seconds rest periods in between each set.) PLEASE SEE TRAINERS NOTES FOR MORE DETAIL ON THIS.***
Warm-up = 3 mins of jumping jacks
3 mins of burpees
1) Underhand-Grip lat pull downs
2) Triceps Dips
3) Goblet squats
4)Kneeling Ab Walkouts
CARDIO = Bike Sprints (Complete 10 sprints total. 15 seconds as fast as you can go. 45 seconds slow pace)
1) WARMUP Cycle for 5 mins, increasing the resistance one level every minute.
2) SPRINTS Make sure you have a high resistance level when doing the sprints so that your legs don’t feel like they will lose control. I recommend level 9-12.
15 seconds of all out effort. Heart rate should be 170bpm or higher followed by 45 seconds recovery or slow riding.
3) COOL DOWN 5 minutes of slow, low level cycling to return your Heart rate to 125bpm or lower.
Warm-up = 3 mins of jumping jacks
3 mins of burpees
1) Alternating Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
2) Alternating Shoulder Press
3) Dead lifts
4) Crunches
CARDIO = Bike Sprints (Complete 10 sprints total. 15 seconds as fast as you can go. 45 seconds slow pace)
1) WARMUP Cycle for 5 mins, increasing the resistance one level every minute.
2) SPRINTS Make sure you have a high resistance level when doing the sprints so that your legs don’t feel like they will lose control. I recommend level 9-12.
15 seconds of all out effort. Heart rate should be 170bpm or higher followed by 45 seconds recovery or slow riding.
3) COOL DOWN 5 minutes of slow, low level cycling to return your Heart rate to 125bpm or lower.
Warm-up = 3 mins of jumping jacks
3 mins of burpees
1) Cable Seated Face Pull
2) Push-ups (see both videos)
2) For Beginners
3) Alternating Dumbbell Lunges
4) Reverse Crunches
CARDIO = Bike Sprints (Complete 10 sprints total. 15 seconds as fast as you can go. 45 seconds slow pace)
1) WARMUP Cycle for 5 mins, increasing the resistance one level every minute.
2) SPRINTS Make sure you have a high resistance level when doing the sprints so that your legs don’t feel like they will lose control. I recommend level 9-12.
15 seconds of all out effort. Heart rate should be 170bpm or higher followed by 45 seconds recovery or slow riding.
3) COOL DOWN 5 minutes of slow, low level cycling to return your Heart rate to 125bpm or lower.
1) Find a weight for each exercise that you are able to complete 15-20 reps. By this I mean the last 2-3 reps are very tough to complete. I do not mean stop at 15-20 if you could 25 +. This means the weight is TOO light. So move up in weight until you find one that on the first set you stop at 15-20 due to muscle failure.
2) Your first set you will reach 15-20 reps. I want you to count your reps and mark them down in a little notebook. Or if you want you can do this in your head. Anyhow you will count your reps in each set and stop when you hit 50 total.
Example: Set 1 – 20reps + set 2 – 15 reps = 35 + set 3 – 12reps = 47reps (not quite 50) do the last 3 set 4 -3 reps. Total = 50
3) The way this workout plan works, you must do your reps as fast as possible. NOT SLOWLY. Pretend you’re in a race to finish each set. Lift heavy enough, and lift FAST.
4) Using a stop watch time your breaks in between sets 45 secs for the first week.
5) Please ensure you complete the warm-ups as I have them. You should be sweating like crazy by the end of the warm up , and continue to sweat the whole workout (fast reps)
6) The cardio is in the form of sprints on a stationary or spin bike. You could also do running sprints outdoors. Entirely up to you. Total of 10 sprints. 15 seconds as fast as you can…heart rate should reach 170+ followed by 45 secs of normal slow pace. Keep your legs moving though.