Why Hire a Personal Trainer Vancouver?
When I moved to Vancouver 5 years ago I admittedly had no clue what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I had just graduated from university with a bachelor’s degree in psychology after a brief 2 year stint enrolled in the business program. During this time I was a personal trainer at local gym with visions of moving to beautiful Vancouver, BC.
It took me a few months to get my act together but I finally did it: I got on a plane with only a suitcase full of clothes, my degree, a keen business sense, my personal training experience and I booked a one way ticket to Vancouver.
I told my family I don’t know what I’m going to do or how I’m going to do it but I’m going to start a business and push myself until I was as successful at it as I was in all my previous pursuits. Boy was I ever rudely awakened. I don’t know if you know this but Vancouver has to be the hardest city in the world to meet people, let alone start a successful personal training business.
I spent the first year after moving here doing what any young buck 20 something would do: I partied, played video games, ate junk food…. and got fat, I’m talking 30lbs of fat. I was depressed, no friends really, dead end job, no business, no gym, no personal trainer business… just fat and depressed.
Fuck, I remember thinking what the hell am I doing here? Am I seriously fat? It was true somehow an athletic muscular stud had turned into a chubby round blob with no aim or purpose in life. It was gut check time so I did what any self-respecting person would do: I bought a self-help book; no for real it saved my life. The book required me to dig deep inside to find out what I was truly passionate about—fitness.
How could I move to the fitness capital of Canada (Vancouver BC) and neglect anything that even resembled fitness? This seemingly simple revelation was under my nose the whole time but I was too busy sleeping in to notice. Step one: hire a personal trainer in Vancouver to get my ass back into shape and to show me all the wonderful outdoor activities this city had to offer.
My personal trainer designed a program that included a running room clinic to allow me to ease back into running again. The end goal here was to be able participate in the upcoming 10km Vancouver Sun Run which I happily completed in 40 minutes! The best part of all this training was getting to know my new city: from Yaletown to Coal Harbour, Stanley Park to English Bay, the Vancouver sea wall is absolutely magnificent.
Of course this wasn’t the only training I did. I also found my way to various hiking trails like the grouse grind, and the chief . I truly enjoyed this form of exercise, not only was it tough but it allowed me to appreciate nature and kept my mind occupied on beauty rather than how my legs felt like jello. On these hikes I started thinking again: I was feeling better than I had in years, I was in the best shape of my life, and a new found respect for personal training.
In the coming months I did my research on the Vancouver personal trainer market and found myself a niche: mobile personal training whereby we deliver fitness right to our clients home or condo, office, or outdoor haven like the grouse grind. I also researched what certification would be best for me to get.
Running a business is a process much like getting into shape is. I can truly say that fitness is my passion and that I absolutely love every minute I spend with my beautiful clients. Whether I’ve helped you run your first 5km, or hike the grouse grind in under an hour, or lose 20lbs I assure you the pleasure has been all mine. Watching you start off full of motivation, stumble and fall and get right back up and finish what you started is truly inspiring and motivating. So thank you!
So why hire a personal trainer in Vancouver? Because if you hire the right one, maybe, just maybe, they will change your life forever…